• Securing State of California Funds to Train Employees

    Client - Multiple

    Program design, proposal development, contract management, data tracking and reporting, financial management, and audit support to help companies secure State of California Employment Training Panel contracts. In 2022, we secured over $1.3M for our client from the State of California.

  • Behavioral Health Workforce Needs Assessment

    Client - San Diego Workforce Partnership

    Project management, research, and facilitation services to develop a regional vision to attract and retain behavioral health workers in San Diego County. Project included facilitating an executive level steering committee, developing estimates for the regional workforce shortage, focus groups and survey work with over 1,600 workers, and designing solutions with education, nonprofit, philanthropy, and healthcare leaders. See the Full Report and the Executive Summary.

  • Good Jobs & Equity Fellowship Program Design and Delivery

    Client - Results for America

    Working alongside the Results for America team to design and deliver a three-year fellowship and learning community for 20 local and state government leaders working to improve job quality in their local communities. Projects are focused on internal HR practices, procurement, evidenced-based policy, and program design.

  • Talent Finance Design Workshops

    Client - Multiple

    In partnership with the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Colorado Workforce Development Council, Trailhead Strategies supports teams in Colorado and from across the US through a structured design process to develop and execute talent development projects that involve talent finance innovations. The curriculum includes key concepts in design thinking, value stream mapping, basic finance, and examples and case studies from across the country.

  • Job Quality Playbook

    Client - Results for America

    Developing RFA’s job quality framework, writing content, getting user feedback, and designing an online tool to help government workforce and economic development agencies begin or advance job quality initiatives in their communities.

  • Job Quality Curriculum Development

    Client - US Chamber of Commerce Foundation

    Facilitated meetings with subject matter experts and wrote curriculum to help employers and Talent Pipeline Management practitioners design better jobs, address talent pain points, and provide better economic opportunities for workers in their communities.

  • Non-Profit Workforce Sector Strategy Report

    Client - The James Irvine Foundation

    Researched and developed a roadmap for public and private funders to improve job quality and racial and gender equity for frontline non-profit workers in California. Solutions include procurement policy and practice change, grant-making priorities, and targets for strategic partnerships with other organizations across California.

  • Strategic Planning, Training, and Project Management

    Client - REDF

    Working alongside REDF staff and partners to design services, deliver training, manage projects, and raise funds to help social enterprises design, finance, measure, and manage programs that help their clients secure quality jobs that pay living wages, offer benefits, and provide advancement opportunities.